In 2019, TOA Paint Vietnam continues to develop and complete all of TOA waterproofing products. In June 2019, we are honored to officially announce the new one-component waterproofing - TOA Waterblock Color which can be tinted by an automatic tinting machine.

Most of constructions in Vietnam are struggling against soakage problems due to typically warm, humid and varies considerably from one region to other ones, also endures heavy rain frequently. Therefore, a house (especially exterial wall area) is easily soaked, gets mildew and yellow stains causing serious aesthetic issues. Once our house is leaked in a long time, cracks will appear and obviously affect on the quality of concrete structure and inner reinforcement, hence, the longevity of your house will be shorten.

The cost of repairing the damage caused by seepage is 2-3 times higher than the cost for good waterproofing investment in the beginning phase of construction. Therefore, waterproofing is considered as a protective shield of the constructions against the negative effects of weather; help to strengthen the consolidation of the constructions as well as minimize maintenance costs later.

Understanding the increasing demands of waterproofing in the construction industry, TOA Paint Vietnam constantly researches new technologies to create a more completed and superior waterproofing product called TOA Waterblock Color.

In order to maximize the protection effect of TOA Waterblock Color, construction workers need to strictly follow up principles as below:


  •  New surface:

- Let the surface dry after 28 days in normal condition.

- The substrate moisture is lower than 16%.

- Remove all dust, grease, wax from the surface.

  • Old surface:  Remove all dust, contamination, loose old paint. Treat the area attacked by fungus, algae with proper chemicals.

- Wash the surface if required. Let it fully dry. The substrate moisture must be lower than 16%.

- Repair the damaged area. Big cracks must be fixed and make smooth.

- Apply one coat of TOA 4 Seasons Super Contact Sealer for chalky or powdery surface after making surface clean.


- No mixing with cement and water. Choosing the color and using the tinting machine.

- Finish with 2 coats of TOA Waterblock Color.

TOA Paint Vietnam believes that, with improvements in the research and production process, TOA Waterblock Color will bring aesthetic value as well as an effective protector of every constructions.

Refer to product information at the website: hoặc Fanpage:






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