Arrange the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Bedrooms are an important part of the home, which helps family members recover from a tired day. So how to arrange your bedroom is reasonable and suitable feng shui is a sure thing many people are also interested. Let the Toa learn how to arrange the bedroom in Feng Shui through the article below.

1.The first thing you should care about when setting up a feng shui bedroom is not to put your bed at the door as this will affect the airflow in the room. Bed rooms should also be visible to the room because it will not make you feel more comfortable  in sleep.

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2. Choose the type of bed. This helps to maintain positive airflow and create a safer feeling. 

lựa chọn loại giường ngủ thích hợp

3. Bed should be placed in the middle of the room, this will harmonize the relationship, positive energy sources are also maintained in the room.

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4. The bedside should be placed on the wall to create a comfortable, balanced sleep. Do not place your bed at the wall or under the window, because in feng shui, while laying down under the bed, will make it harder to sleep deeper. 

5. Do not put your bed under a ceiling fan, decorative chandeliers or beams. According to feng shui, they create pressure and bad influence sleep. If you have no other choice, consider painting the lighter bars, or lightening the pressure by hanging bamboo flutes in the corner. 

6. The messy room is not good for sleep because it blocks the flow of air in the room, so you should practice the habit of arranging the bedroom neatly, especially the bed head. 

7. Whether you are single or married, the objects in the bedroom should also have pairs, such as two pillows, two bedside tables, even two reading lights. In feng shui, it is very important to show certain balance and harmony. 

8. During the day, open the bedroom window or use an air purifier to keep the air fresh and full of oxygen. However, at night, you should close the window to keep the gas well in the room. 

9. Do not place electronic devices in the bedroom because they distract you and can not sleep well. If so, it is best to use blinds before going to sleep, or do not turn on the device when sleeping. 

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10. In the bedroom should have a curtain or a collage between the sleeping place and the workplace if available, giving a feeling of relaxation and not pressure on the employer. 

11. If your bedroom has an inside toilet, close the bathroom door, toilet so that the discomfort in this area does not affect the air of sleep.  

12. When sleeping, you should close the closet door, pull the curtain as well as close the bedroom door. By feng shui, leaving the door open when sleeping will cause the airflow to escape and affect your energy. 

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Let the Toa create a bedroom that suits each person. 




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